Check Your Citizenship Eligibility

Singapore’s Leading PR and Citizenship Consultancy.
Unlimited Warranty Till Approval.

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    Requirements for Singapore Citizenship

    The following persons are eligible to apply for Singapore Citizenship:
    1. Have been a Singapore PR for at least 2 years and aged at least 21 years old. You can apply together with your spouse and any unmarried children below 21 years old (born within the context of a legal marriage or legally adopted by you).
    2. Sponsorship: Have been a Singapore PR for at least 2 years and married to a Singaporean for at least 2 years.
    3. Sponsorship: Unmarried child below 21 years old (born within the context of a legal marriage or legally adopted by a Singaporean)
    4. Singapore PR studying in Singapore, residing in Singapore for more than 3 years (of which at least 1 year as PR), passed at least 1 national exam (PSLE, GCE “”N”” / “”O”” / “”A”” Levels), or being in the Integrated Programme (IP).
    5. PR and Aged Parent of a Singaporean

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Singapore PRs are eligible to apply for Singapore citizenship two years after being granted Singapore PR.

    ICA will make an assessment of your child’s eligibility for Singapore citizenship by descent upon receipt of their application. You are encouraged to apply for Singapore citizenship for your child within a year of his or her birth. If your child has been assessed as being ineligible for Singapore citizenship by descent, your child will be considered a Singapore citizen by registration before providing an outcome.

    If your spouse is a Singapore PR and presently working, he or she can apply for citizenship on his or her own merits. If you are applying for citizenship, you may also sponsor your Singapore PR spouse for his or her citizenship at the same time.

    Yes, you are.

    Only persons granted Singapore citizenship under Art 123 (1) of part X of the Constitution are required to have elementary knowledge of one of the following languages: Malay, English, Mandarin, and Tamil.

    You are eligible to apply for Singapore citizenship if you are a PR and an aged parent of a Singapore citizen.